New product detail

Consorzio Zoodiaco

Pad. 30 Stand B72 - B74

Prolife Diet Hydrolised Hypoallergenic - Mini e Medium large

Category: Food & SnackTrend: Healthy & Functional

Dietetic food formulated for the reduction of intolerances to ingredients and nutrients. Its therapeutic efficacy in dogs is due to the combination of its characteristics: the inclusion of hydrolysed lamb proteins (low molecular weight) but also the innovative Alltech Nutrigenomic System Digestive pak. Epigenetics is able to demonstrate the effectiveness of this Pak as it studies the way in which exogenous factors (environmental and food) turn on and off the genes that influence the way cells interpret and express the genetic code. Research can measure the effects of a single nutrient on the profile of a gene expression, cell or tissue. The daily dosing of certain nutrients and supplements represents an innovative system to support a personalized diet based on the single individual's genome. These benefits are evident both in the field of preventive medicine and in the treatment of pathologies.

The innovation consists in researching the therapeutic potential of some natural substances, skilfully combined with each other, to give Prolife Diet food curative efficacy, respecting the delicate balance and needs of our pets. Natural molecular complexes able to effectively interact with the body in the treatment of target pathologies have been identified.

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