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Innovet Italia Srl Unipersonale

Pad. 26 Stand B96 - B98

Oleea® Liquid & Caps

Category: Hygiene and BeautyTrend: Healthy & Functional

Oleea® is the new complementary feed for the health of overweight dogs and cats. It contains Olaliamid®, a patented olive oil derivative consisting of a mixture of NAEs (N-acylethanolamides). NAEs are endogenous compounds, such as OEA and PEA, produced “on demand” in order to protect cells against stress of different nature. In association with a well-balanced diet and regular physical activity, Oleea® decreases meta-inflammation and improves lipid and glucose metabolism, protecting the body against injuries resulting from an excess of body fat. Oleea® is available in two formats: Liquid and Caps.

Oleea® helps to protect the health of overweight dogs and cats. Its exclusive formula is based on Olaliamid®, an innovative and patented olive oil derivate rich in NAEs (N-acylethanolamides), endogenous compounds (e.g., OEA, SEA, PEA, LEA) that are naturally produced on demand after the food intake. It has been shown that obese pets have a deficiency of NAE’s and that restoring their physiological levels through the diet helps in maintaining an ideal body condition.

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