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Aquael Sp Zoo

Pad. 29 Stand H23 - I26

Woody Eco Line

Category: AccessoriesTrend: Green transition

Woody line is an innovative and unique collection of toys designed to promote the health and wellbeing of pets. This line of products perfectly resonates with the trend of Green Transition. Our toys are specifically designed to fulfil the needs of dogs while performing specific functions to support their development. One of the most significant features of our products is that they contain 100% recycled wood. We purchase recycled wood material and produce the toys at our local factory in Suwalki, reducing our carbon footprint and supporting local communities. By using recycled materials, we reduce the need for new resources and contribute to a circular economy. In addition, majority of the toys from Woody line promote oral hygiene, which is a crucial aspect of pets' overall health. The special tabs on the toys massage the gums and clean the teeth, promoting healthy teeth and gums and preventing dental problems. Our products also have an attractive woody smell, which appeals to dogs' natural instincts, making them even more enjoyable and engaging for pets. Some of our toys have holes for treats, making them interactive for dogs to develop their intellectual skills and find tasty things. Overall, our line of products for dogs is an innovative and environmentally conscious collection of toys designed to promote the health and wellbeing of pets. With their eco-friendly materials, benefits for mental and oral health, and production methods that support sustainability, our products fit perfectly into the Green Transition category.

Our products is that they contain 100% recycled wood. We purchase recycled wood material and produce the toys at our local factory in Suwalki, reducing our carbon footprint and supporting local communities. By using recycled materials, we reduce the need for new resources and contribute to a circular economy.

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