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Pad. 26 Stand BRITISH PAVILION B21 - C22

BuddyCare Black Cherry Dog Shampoo

Categoria: Hygiene and BeautyTrend: Spoil me more

Lo shampoo per cani Black Cherry di Buddycare presenta un caratteristico profumo rinvigorente di amarena. È arricchito di vitamine, dal profumo delicato, lo shampoo per cani dona conforto alle piccole irritazioni della pelle per un gradito sollievo e reidratazione.

BuddyCare Black Cherry Dog Shampoo is the ultimate indulgence for dogs who deserve to be spoiled even more. With salon-quality results, a 20:1 dilution ratio, and a unique kind-to-skin formulation using human baby shampoo surfactants instead of SLS, it offers the perfect balance of luxury and care. The black cherry fragrance adds a delightful touch of indulgence, making it the perfect choice for pet owners who want to spoil their furry friends even more.

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