Dettaglio novità
Papillon Pet Products Bv
Pad. 25 Stand C62 - C68
Plant Based (VEGAN) Complete & Balanced Wet Food with Tender and Juicy "Meat Analogues" Beef & Chicken-like Chunks
L'azienda HenArt® lancia a Zoomark il suo nuovo alimento umido completo e bilanciato a base vegetale (VEGAN) per cani e gatti. I nostri pezzi succosi e teneri a base vegetale "analoghi della carne di manzo e pollo" con una consistenza e fibrosità eccezionali (struttura simile alla carne) e un morso e una sensazione in bocca superiori, indistinguibili dalla carne vera con appetibilità e nutrienti comparabili
HenArt® company launches at Zoomark their new developed PLANT BASED (VEGAN) Complete & Balanced Wet Food for Dogs & Cats. Our Plant Based Juicy & Tender "Beef & Chicken-like meat analogues" Chunks with an exceptional texture & fibrosity (meat-like structure) and superior bite and mouthfeel, which is indistinguishable from real meat with comparable palatability & nutritients by transferring thermal energy into a vegetable emulsion in order to coagulate protein and sources of carbohydrate.
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