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2 Gr srl

Pad. 30 Stand A57

Mangiatoia Ume

Categoria: AccessoriesTrend: Green transition

La mangiatoia per uccellini selvatici UME è stata creata con lo scopo di essere fonte sicura di cibo per gli uccellini selvatici, specialmente durante la stagione fredda; infatti, “UME” è, in giapponese, il fiore di pruno, simbolo di forza e resistenza in quanto fiorisce durante l’inverno. Realizzata interamente in plastica riciclata da circuito del post-consumo, “UME” vuole integrarsi con l’ambiente, riducendo l’impatto che ha su di esso e allo stesso tempo, per la sua facilità d’uso, avvicinare le persone al mondo degli uccellini selvatici. Il design di UME è parte fondamentale del progetto in quanto è ispirato alla forma di una goccia d’acqua che, con forza e resistenza, rimane aggrappata al ramo senza cadere, dando al prodotto caratteristiche estetiche versatili a qualsiasi contesto di utilizzo, dal balcone, al giardino fino a spazi aperti di maggiori dimensioni.

The reason why 2gr has created Ume Feeder starts from the principle of approach people, even non-experts in the field, to an ethic of safeguarding the fauna that inhabits urban spaces in the easiest way and with a low environmental impact. With these principles Ume is presented as a feeder for wild birds to be used throughout the year, but particularly during the cold season, when food for the birds is scarce: the balls of fat, perfect for this feeder, are the complete and ideal food to face the winter season. At the same time, Ume has a shape that aims to attract even those who pays more attention to the appearance of the product and its adaptability to environments such as refined gardens or balconies: inspired by a drop of water that remains attached to the branch, it symbolizes strength and resistance. The research for the highest quality and low environmental impact, pushed the company to produce Ume entirely with recycled plastic from post-consumer circuit, certified and selected to ensure aesthetic and mechanical qualities like the first choice plastic.The birds that live in the gardens, even in urban environments, are an essential part of the ecosystem, and their survival is jeopardized by the increasing urbanization; taking care of wild birds helps people, especially children, to interact with mother nature in a fun and active way, spending time outdoor and, with simple actions, teaching that wild birds are fundamental to keep the ecosystem balanced.

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